
“Eat clean, train mean.”

31 Jan

“Eat clean, train mean.”

As this post reads, my goal is to “eat clean and train mean.” Though my busy schedule has prevented me from the training part of the phrase, yesterday marked the end of Day 3 of successfully eating clean without any cheats!!!! Onto Day 4 with some fresh broccoli, kale, tomato, apple juice in my tummy! No cheating for me, is HUGE. Currently I work with kids and I can tell you that there is junk food and temptation at every corner.

A friend of mine had successfully eaten clean without any cheats for 16 days. I’m on Day 4. Game on.

I will be the first to admit that I have fallen victim to almost every fad diet out there–diet pills, work out videos, Weight Watchers, etc, etc, etc, etc…… Like my mother says, “if I haven’t tried it, I’ve heard about it.” So far, I can honestly say that I FEEL GOOD (dunna nunna nunna nuh) and happier 🙂 ever since I stopped eating processed foods–and I ate a lot of em’. If you’re reading this and you’ve gone day in and day out feeling sluggish, comatose after each fatty/processed/fast food meal, depressed, and so on, jump on this train and get some more fruits and veggies in your diet! Meat-eaters, relax! You can eat meat too! I’m not the biggest meat eater so you won’t find meat in my recipes so often if I’m cooking for myself. If I’m cooking for Chris, it’s off to the butcher. But anyways, my point is that I was on a downward spiral for over a year of eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, even sneaking food. Then of course I began feeling upset about how heavy and bloated I felt, moreover about how I looked, which caused me to emotionally eat more, and the cycle goes on. I also have been paying obscene amounts for a personal trainer at my gym and have been pretty much wasting my hard earned money because I’d work hard at the gym and then eat it all back, plus some.

Now, I know I have not been eating clean for much time and I haven’t lost 20lbs in three days, (maybe I haven’t lost at all, I haven’t checked yet) but from what I’ve experienced so far, I can tell you that I feel great. I feel lighter, happier, not bloated, and most of all, NOT HUNGRY because the food that I’ve been eating holds me over for longer–unlike sugar highs which spike your blood sugar levels for a short period of time until you crash. This is the first “fad”, if that’s what you want to call it, (I call it a lifestyle change) that I’ve tried where I feel like I can easily stick to this. I’m eating really yummy foods and eating a lot of food, but it’s all good for me!

So far, my meals have consisted of:

  • Breakfast: juicing any of the following: 4-5 sprigs of kale, about 8 baby carrots, two celery stalks, an apple, tomatoes, raw broccoli and/or a small chunk of ginger. Though it may look intimidating, let me tell you… it’s delish!

Broccoli, Kale, Tomato, Celery, AppleOther things I’ve eaten for breakfy are protein shakes made up of frozen berries or other frozen fruit, Silk (soon to be a healthier milk–almond milk–as soon as I finish the Silk), a banana, and a scoop of protein powder.. add a little water in there if it’s too thick. Another yummy start to the day, which keeps you full for a while!


  • Lunch: Recently, I made a batch of butternut squash, carrot, ginger soup from a recipe I found online here. Basically you cut a medium butternut squash in half (lengthwise), clean out the seeds, and roast it cut side down on a greased baking sheet. Bake for 40 min at 350 degrees. While it’s baking, dice up an onion, chop 1lb carrots and crush three garlic cloves. When the squash is done baking scoop it out and throw out the skin. Toss the onions and garlic in a pot with 2 tbsp EVOO. Saute until translucent. Add 4 cups of water, carrots, squash, and ginger to the pot and bring to a boil. Cook for 20 min, then pour soup into a blender. After blended, pour back into pot and season adding cinnamon, salt, and pepper to taste. DONE.


  • Dinner: Sometimes I double up on soup for lunch and dinner because it is THAT GOOD, but otherwise I’ll have another juice if I want a light dinner, or a mixed greens salad with cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, fetta, and chickpeas for protein and to keep me full. I’ve been using about two tbsp’s of raspberry walnut dressing (to die for) made by Ken’s, but after that bottle is done, I will start making my own salad dressing as suggested to me from my eating clean buddy. I will post recipes for dressings that I enjoy. I am planning on starting to add some meat to my diet to make sure I’m getting enough protein. Lean chicken, red meat, fish, and even tuna are great salad toppers or main dish to any meal.
  • Snacks: I have two snack times; after breakfast and before dinner, for eating a total of 5 times a day. I’ll eat anything from a handful of almonds and Craisins, a couple clementines, an apple, or organic trail mixes and soy nuts. I carry these snacks around with me while at work so that I am not tempted to eat junk while out of the house. I like trail mix because it satisfies sweet cravings and I like roasted and salted soy nuts because they satisfy any salty/crunchy cravings. You’d be surprised how easy it is to trick your mind into thinking you’re eating junk when you’re not.


I would say that the biggest effort I put into eating clean is the planning, but it’s really not anything unmanageable. Instead of going to the frozen dinner isles, go to the produce dept and bag up some fruits and veggies! Just last night when I got home from work, I cooked up some more butternut squash soup so I would have food for lunch and dinner the next few days. Took me half hour, MAX. (I called Chris to pop the squash in the oven before I got home.) And that’s including letting the pot boil for 20 min while I catch up with Chris about the day. This morning I woke up to see Chris off to work with breakfast and a kiss ❤ Go buy some produce, buy a cheap $30 food processor and get going! The internet has SO many great clean recipes, you’d be surprised what you can eat without even realizing you’re eating clean. I swear you’ll love it!

How many of you plan to add fruits and veggies to your diet??

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