Tag Archives: 10lb weight loss

Eatting Clean Update

9 Feb

So I wanted to give you all an update on the eating clean lifestyle that I started last Monday, January 28. So far…. SUCCESS!! I have lost ten pounds, yes, TEN pounds in 10 days! Now, I will point out that the women hold more water weight than men which may account for some or all of the weight that I have lost. In addition, I was 40 pounds (now 30) over the weight that I am used to, and usually in the beginning weight falls off more easily than it does by the end. I’m aware of those factors. However, I do not count those factors as less of a success, instead it’s huge motivation!

Now, those of you who know me have been surprised that I want to lose 30 more lbs, but you may not know (or remember) how I looked senior year of high school/freshman year of college–i was a hot little number! I’ve also hid my weight well by buying more clothes that suited my ever growing figure lol.

What led to my weight gain? Easy, I played soccer 7 days a week of 3 different teams in high school. I ate almost whatever I wanted, but burned it off without a problem. When sophomore year of college rolled around, I started dating Chris. Instead of putting hours in at the gym, I put hours in spending time with him. Whose fault is that? MINE. Being the college students that we were, we’d eat junk all the time, including Domino’s 5-5-5 deal–everyone would get their own pizza for $5–and I could (and would) eat the whole thing. (I swear I would be great at competitive eating cuz I can put food awayyyy). Anyway, basically I started living a lifestyle that I wasn’t used to–junk food and not exercising–so the weight gain began. Again, whose fault was that? MINE. My weight bobbled up and down throughout college, where 6 months I’d gain some weight, but when the weather got nice, that meant less clothes, so I would diet and beat myself up at the gym. I did this whole binging and crash dieting thing for about 5 years, and I was never happy.

Soooo… being the food lover that I am, I now love food in a different way! I honestly and truly ENJOY eating healthier and don’t really feel like I’m losing out on anything. In fact, Chris eats pasta and vodka sauce (my favorite) in front of me and I don’t even flinch. I even made a cake and brownies for the kids I nanny and didn’t even lick the batter or icing off my fingers. After saying “no” to junk food about 5 times in the beginning of changing my diet, it got easier and easier. Of course I’m tempted to eat junk here and there, but I think of my success so far and I don’t want to ruin it, so I say “no” again.

Have I slipped and cheated since I started eating clean? Yes, and no. I’ve been trying to not eat carbs while eating clean (because my hips and thighs suck in and hold onto carbs like nobody’s business lol) but one day I ate a dinner roll with turkey and cheese and on another day I ate more than the serving size than I was supposed to. Also, when I went out with Chris I had 2 vodka clubs which I was told is cheating too, but if I don’t have my drink now and then I’ll go nuts. So to me, I think all of the above is cheating, but I make up for it with extra time at the gym or juicing more meals–and I’m STILL losing weight. So I’m cool with it!
Tip: make your own rules for yourself, and be honest! My friend and I started a private group on Facebook where members take pictures and post what they have eaten at the end of each day. Our motto is “Support, motivate and educate others about the lifestyle of eating clean to build a healthier, happier you.” I am 100% honest with what I post because I know myself; if I start lying or cheating under the radar, it snowballs and I end up completely falling off track. So if you know you’re like me, be completely honest with your eating and log it, whether in a group or in a journal. Therefore, if you feel like you’re not losing weight, you can look back and see where you can change or add something in your diet!

Since I am home from NY, I am allowing myself ONE cheat meal, and I’m having a hard time deciding what to eat. I was thinking either:

  • an everything egg bagel with light veggie cream cheese, tomato, and crushed Doritos in there (why are you judging me? lol)
  • a Sicilian slice from my local pizza shop where they don’t put cheese on it, but top it with sauce, fresh chopped tomato’s and olive oil (add some red pepper flakes on there… BOMB!)
  • Chinese food, I’m thinking chicken and cashews with mixed vegetables…. mmmmmmm

Which do you think I should pick??
These are three foods that I can’t get in Washington. If I want a bagel I have to get one from Starbucks that tastes like rubber and they give you a cream cheese packet and a knife to put it on yourself… ya kiddin?? If I want pizza I have to pick between Domino’s, Pizza Hut, or Papa Johns… no thanks. And they don’t really even have Chinese food out there, only dried out Teriyaki chicken or overpriced Thai food. Damn, Washington food sucks so bad.

What would you choose to eat on your cheat day?